Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You have my heart!

I took this photo last year on the first day of school. This is one of my favorite photos so far. I even have it as wallpaper on my computer.

Tonight my son came into my room and said "Good night mama!"

Then he proceeded to give me a kiss on the lips. Now, I know lots of other kids, his age, who won't give kisses anymore because it's embarrassing, or they are too old, like 5 is too old! I haven't had a problem with him giving kisses (yet! I am crossing my fingers.) Along with the kiss I got a hug. Mind you this is not at all prompted!

Then as he runs off to climb into bed, I say,"Don't let the bed bugs bite!"

He yells back "OK!" Most of the time he just tells us "if they do, hit 'um with a tire!" That has daddy written all over it!

My heart just melted. It makes you think back on other times.

Like that time when we were headed into school one morning and he asks "Mom, is part of the world upside down?" What do you say to that! Your so smart! Who would have thought of it like that? Yeah, you think of it as round, but upside down? Well, yeah, I guess so! Part of it has to be.

Or the time when you take their training wheels off for the first time! Need I say more....

Yana came home the day of the elections, after voting in class earlier during school, and said, "Mom, I don't know which one it is, but if they become President, we will have to sleep in the schools!" Now where did she get that? I laughed with the teacher on that one. The teacher then said that her daughter was saying that that guy can't become President because he went to prison. Then it dawned on me that McCain was a prisoner of war!

I started a journal a couple of years ago and tried to write down funny stories like this and the words that they come up with like the "Willy" place, referring to the Good Will, etc. Unfortunately, I find that I got a lot of Garret's stories, but I couldn't remember many of Yana's, during her early childhood. Oh, how I wish I would have started when Yana was born!

I may not be able to stop them from growing up, but by golly, I will try my darnedest to document as much as possible from here on out.


  1. OMG I love these stories I know they will love to look back on them when they are older! Andrew tried to do that with the girls when they were younger. I LOVE the "hit em with a tire" comment toooo funny! This is a great idea and I say keep doing it as long as you can!

  2. Your kids are adorable. I'm terrible about writing things down. Awesome that you do!!
