Sunday, November 30, 2008

A weekend to remember!

I was driving to Thanksgiving dinner with my husband over at our cousins house, and I was thinking (that's a dangerous thought right there!) that I have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family, animals to give our love to, and (maybe not the house I have always wanted, that will come) a place to live. My kids are doing great in school and we are all surrounded by a network of wonderful friends. What more could you ask for?

Well.... today is Sunday. My husband and son went over to Eastern Washington right after Thanksgiving dinner to go bird hunting. So Yana and I spent a girl day together on Friday, swimming, shopping, watching movies (Herbie Goes Bananas, etc.) and eating left overs that I have been waiting for all month long. That's when it all started to go south for the winter. Yana got sick and pucked all over the floor. The next day I get a phone call from Auntie asking how we feel. Let's just say that she doesn't feel well herself and informed me that Tyler and Ben, our cousins are pucking up in Canada (they left after Thanksgiving diner as well to visit family up there). My husband had called me earlier that day to inform me that Garret was pucking all night and he doesn't feel good himself.

Now that leaves me! I feel fine! But you can look at this two ways. One, I am really LUCKY not to have gotten what everyone else has, or two, what did I do to deserve this because you know darn well that I am going to have to take care of EVERYONE while I myself will come down with it! (That's the selfish part of me talking. I like to think that we all have one of those.) I couldn't help myself when Auntie called that day asking how everyone was feeling I laughed. I was thinking that it was just Yana and she had eaten something that didn't agree with her, for she only pucked that one time. Now I turn around and everyone is sick.

Well, I will cross my fingers that I will be able to go to work tomorrow, and I won't be plagued with what seems to be going around!

Wish me luck!


  1. How terrible!! Is it food poisening maybe??? Hope you are all okay!

  2. That sucks. Belle's been my thrower upper this weekend. It always works out that the mom is the last to get it. I'm knocking on wood that the rest of us don't get it. Hope you guys feel better super fast!
